The Heat & Flame Testing Laboratory of NITRA has a wide variety of sophisticated instruments to test the following for heat, flame and safety related characteristics:
- Personal Protective Clothing,
- Upholsteries,
- Automotive Fabrics,
- Floor Coverings,
- Fabric supplies to Railways
Major instruments:
- Radiant Heat Tester
- Heat Transmission Tester
- Molten Metal splash tester
- Automatic flammability tester for vertically oriented samples
- Vertical flammability tester
- Horizontal flammability tester
- Inclined flammability tester
- Toxicity tester
- Automatic Limiting Oxygen Index tester
- Retro reflectance & Spectrophotometer tester (High Visibility Clothing Testing Equipment)
- Weld spatter impact tester
- Contact heat tester
- Electric resistivity tester
- Smoke Visibility Test Apparatus
- Fire resistance tester
For test parameters and other details