Dr. M.S.Parmar


Dr. M.S.Parmar, Director, working at NITRA for the last 28 years in various capacities. He is heading Chemical Quality Evaluation Division and coordinating COE-PROTECH activities. 

Experience:  28+ years

Qualification:M.Sc., Ph.D., PGDMM, DCPA

His main areas of expertise are Textile Chemistry, Protective Textiles, unconventional fibres and Quality Control of Textiles. Besides this, he is also looking after Heat & Fire Laboratory and Chemical Laboratory.

Dr. Parmar published 125 articles in various national and international journals, worked on several projects, and guided students in 45 projects at Ph.D., MSC., and B.Tech levels. He also presented 120 papers in various seminars and conferences. He successfully completed 28 R&D projects which were funded by the Ministry of Textiles, DST, Govt. of India, and NITRA. He had also submitted several project reports to Govt. of India for funding and filed nine patents in India. He has been granted three patents. He has authored and co-authored 17 books including Denim, Garment processing, etc. He has also received two times the best technical book awards from AICTE. He has also received two best research awards for his works on “Denim” and “Development of low-cost sizing machine” respectively.

He is Chairman of BIS Sectional Committee TXD 38: Technical Textile for Mobite6ch Application and also a member of various BIS Sectional Committees. He has been involved in various consultancy and training projects. He has framed many specifications for Military and paramilitary forces.